Monday, October 19, 2009

Welcome, Doogie.

The first blog entry. The pressure.

Having read the odd blog and being the husband to a prolific blogger I reckon that I have a handle on what makes a compelling blog... well, compelling. While the topics of discussion are paramount to engaging the reader it really is the ability of the blogger to find their own internal voice that distinguishes the wheat from the chaff. You know, the tone, the choice of words, the rythym of the language, that helps you get a handle on them as a person beyond the words on the screen.

Unfortunately, as I sit here trying to find my internal voice all I hear is Doogie Howser's. Hmm... perhaps that explains my use of the phrase "Wheat from the Chaff"? What the fuck?

But in saying that maybe that isn't such a bad thing? Doogie was a trailblazer when it comes to blogging. He was doing it way before it was something to do. I mean sure, his computer journal entires were often overly simplistic sentimental observations but at least they were pithy. In fact, now that I come to think of it, D. Howser MD was so pithy he was probably Twittering... Now I'm not sure where that leaves me? Confused already - this can't be good.

Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is that, while I may never be a teenage doctor genius person, I hope to at least be pithy.

I hope we've all learnt something today.

(note: I did say "may never be a teenage doctor genius person...". The door remains ajar...)

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